Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2 Year Check Up

Friday January 30th we had Cooper's 2 year check up.

Since he is a toddler now, he doesn't get weighed on the baby scale.
They also don't have you strip them down to a clean diaper for an accurate read.
I asked but the guy was rushing us so we just let him do it that way.
Since we have a ton more appointments coming up we would get an accurate reading there.

The only issue with that is our pediatrician now doesn't have correct information about Cooper, Not that he seems to care.
It's so hard to find a pediatrician that I love.
At the end of the appointment as he was leaving, he asked, "he isn't the malrotation kid is he?"
I said yes.

I understand that Doctors aren't going to remember you when they have numerous patients.
But Come On!
Cooper isn't just a normal kid. The amount of times we have been in there, he should know more about him.

They had Cooper down at 25 lbs 
(yeah no. He had a wet diaper, heavy jeans and shoes on)
So our Doctor said he is the hulk because he went from the second percentile to the 10th percentile.
Again, No. Not correct

Cooper also received the vaccines he was due for.
This kid is such a champ.
Her barely flinches any more.
He cries for a second, and I mean a second. Then he is happy and running around.
I swear he has an amazing pain tolerance after everything he has been through!

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