Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Monday, January 26th, Cooper had his second Endoscopy.

When we originally scheduled the procedure, Jeff had the day off, but then there was a change in his schedule so I asked my Mama to come with me. 
It's hard keeping calm when you are by yourself and your baby is being put under anesthesia.
So a big Thank You to my mom for coming and helping me!

The first endoscopy Cooper had was back in August 2014.
It was when we found that Cooper had Eosinophilic Esophagitis.
His eosinophilic count for the biopsies were 34.
That is pretty high, Considering 15 is when they know something is an issue.

We were really anxious to get this Endoscopy.
We would finally know if the foods Cooper has been allowed to eat 
(Carrots, apples, banana, white potato, Welches fruit snacks, and hypoallergenic formula)
were safe for him to eat.

We spent the morning coloring in the waiting room before the procedure,
then it was time for them to take him back.
It was fairly quick.
Only about 20 minutes long.

They took us back to talk to Cooper's regular GI doctor who did the procedure.

He was VERY pleased with what he saw.
Everything looked normal, there was only one area that he was a little concerned with.
We would have to wait until he took the biopsies and put them under the microscope.
He said he would call us in a week and let us know everything after he did that and he got the results back.

This looked like very good news!
We should be able to add more foods to Cooper's diet if it does come back clear.

And it did!
We got a call the following week and Cooper's Eosinophilic count was 1!
I repeat ONE!
So now we know that the foods he is able to eat now, really are ok with his body at this time!

Now we can see Coopers allergist and add more foods!

Here is a look at our day in pictures!

Didn't want to wake up

Finally awake

Last August's Endoscopy on the Left. You can see all the inflammation and redness and ridges.
This months endoscopy is on the right. You can see there aren't ridges and its pink!!

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