Friday, March 13, 2015

Big week next week!

Cooper has his first button change next Tuesday!
Once he has his first change, depending on how comfortable I am with it, I may be able to do them from here on out, so we will see after Tuesday how I feel!

Wednesday, Cooper is finally being seen for feeding therapy!
And it turns out the woman doing the eval is a friend of the family!
FINALLY we will be working with a therapist for Coopers eating issues, and not just using occupational therapy for tactile issues!
We will finally be working on the main issue, not just a secondary problem!

Thursday Is the rehearsal for one of my best friend's wedding!
I am so excited for her and can't wait to stand up with her and support her as she marries her best friend!

Friday is the wedding!
I can't wait for her to experience marriage! She is going to be a gorgeous bride!

Spring Training

Our little family loves to go out and do things, so yesterday we went to a spring training game.
Cooper had a blast in the grass seats, and he basically stole everyones hearts.

He is a little baller!
(See what I did there?)
He snuck into 2 sets of girls pictures in front of him, and they ate it up!

Also, Will Ferrell came to the game to support and raise money for some great causes!
Stand Up to Cancer and Cancer for College
To read about his day, where he played for 10 teams in one day, check out this link here
You can also search Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #ferrelltakesthefield

If you want to join the cause, click the links below!
To donate to Stand Up to Cancer, click here then click, donate on the right hand side.
To donate to Cancer for College, click here!

Cooper sending snapchats

Stealing hearts on girl group at a time



Monday, March 9, 2015

Seriously kid, we have enough Hospital bands already... I promise we don't need any more.

Yesterday Cooper decided he wanted to add to our hospital band collection.
So we wound up in the Emergency Room.

When I was giving Cooper a bolus feed, nothing was going in, and blood was coming out of the tube pushing the formula back.
I called the surgeon, but since it was after hours I was transferred to the after hours line.
I gave our information and explained what the issue was, then we were told we would get a call back from the Surgeon on call, who happened to be Cooper's surgeon. 
If we didn't hear back within 15 minutes we were to call back.

She called back in 10 minutes and asked what the issue was.
We told her and she sent us to the Emergency Room.

This was the first time Daddy had to sit in the waiting room of an emergency room.
We have had plenty of practice from Cooper's first 2 months of life, but since Jeff was deployed then, he never went through any of it.
I'm so glad he was there this time.

After waiting for almost 2 hours, we were taken back into our own room.
Someone please explain to me how the rooms for actual patients admitted are very small and shared, but the ED rooms have tons of space and are individual??

Any ways.
We waited for a doctor to come in.
She checked the button to make sure it wasn't dislodged.
From feeling around and moving the button, she said that wasn't the problem.
She then wanted to flush the button with water directly into it with a syringe, then pull back and see if more blood came out and to get gastric fluid to ensure it was positioned right.
That took quite a while for them to get back in the room to do and to find the right syringe to fit the button.
But when they did, it was clear.
There wasn't any blood, and there was gastric fluid.

They don't know what exactly caused the blood.
They said it could have been an irritation in the stomach lining.
But his button was functioning properly now and there wasn't any more blood, so 5 hours of travel and an ER stay later, we were sent home.

Always keeping us on our toes, Little Man.

Formula going in, blood coming out. 
The pink is a mixture of the two as they were combining

All the bands from the first hospitalizations, ER visits, surgeries and procedures , and all the cards from the different doctors he was seeing, until Cooper was 2.5 months old.

Adding to the collection since then.