Friday, January 30, 2015


New Year's Day, Jeff and I went to Vegas with our super awesome neighbors!!
We love them! 

For vegas, I think pictures are much more fun than writing about it. 

So, enjoy. 

And now the Videos!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Coop has Croup (also, Procedure Dates)

The first night we were in Vegas, 
(that post will be coming soon!)
We received a call saying Cooper had Croup. 
He is the happiest sick kid, but man, is he sick. 

This kid. 
I swear. 

In other news, 
We have some scheduled days for the procedures!

Jan 6- Upper GI 
Jan 15- G tube Placement - this is up in the air. It was scheduled on a day the doctor is on call. If we don't hear back from them to do a date change, this will be the date.